Saturday, November 8, 2014

Delicious tech-Samsung Note 4

My day started early. I was up at 7 am...ish. Now I realize that is the norm or even late for most 8 to 5 ers but, I have begun the practice of trying to sleep until 9 am most days due to having migraines and because I don't go to bed until  around 1 or 2am a lot of the time due to my busy work schedule. I had to be at the car dealership early for maintenance on my Jeep ...forgoing a decent breakfast for a Race Trac coffee and a Kind Peanut butter and chocolate protein bar.(which I still have not finished). Not because it isn't delicious, it is. I just haven't finished it. I think I like the cranberry almond ones better. So needless to say I was starving by lunch.

I went to Zaxby's and had their delicious house grilled chicken salad with Mediterranean dressing on the side. Have you had it yet? It's super yummy.

I just switched to the Samsung  Note 4 from my Samsung Galaxy 4 which I really liked but the Note 4...Awesome! I am not a huge tech junkie, but I need a device that is  as quick as I need it to be and because I like to take pre wedding pics of my clients and toss up on social media, I needed a phone that definitely took better pictures and responds seamlessly to constant notifications from social media, clients,family and friends.

I also like the things it does without me really asking, like reminding me to put my stylus back in before I leave the house. Samsung walk app counts my steps pretty accurately, and Drive Mode?...Just try it for yourself!

But back to the camera...Not too shabby at 16M  and with an HDR mode and voice activation, which is my favorite, so I am not trying to juggle my wedding stuff, my dslr and trying to touch a button to take pics. I mute the device sound and don't have to hear the shutter..unless I want to...How cool is that?! I am really waiting for the VR headset so I can play games.

A few other great points...The screen is really dynamic. The phone still fits in most of my back pockets and my side pockets on my purse, so even the huge size is not an issue.

Here are a few pictures I took of my salad to kind of test out the new phone. All of the pictures were taken with a Samsung Note 4 cell phone. I cant wait to get some "before shots" of my couples next week at their destination wedding.

The first 3 pictures were taken using a tool called food mode, that my husband told me about, which as you will see, really enhances the colors and the last 3 pictures are taken without the tool. HDR mode was not used in any of the pics.

Note: you don't seem to be able to use voice activation while using the additional modes like food.

The food tool on the camera makes the food look irresistible and extra scrumptious, the white meat is whiter, the leafy lettuce is greener, the onion crisps look more crispy, light and airy. Even the plate looks brighter and cheery.The butter on the texas toast looks almost good enough to lick.

These were taking solely using the camera feature without any enhancement. While still decent looking, in comparison, it looks a little more bland. The second and third pictures aren't too bad but the plate is a lot dimmer.

So what do you think of the images? Do the first three look more appetizing with the food tool or the second three without? Pictures are subjective. Of course I like taking pictures of food almost as much as eating but a good piece of tech is right up there too. Anyways, what's a girl to do? #girlsgotteat

By Sheri Thomson
Wife, Blogger, Food Lover and Amateur Photographer